The Grand Family Picnic at Śródborowianka Centre
June 04, 2022

On 29th May our Grand Family Picnic intended to commemorate the occasion of Lag Ba Omer was organised at Śródborowianka Centre. For all of us, this event was an excellent opportunity to meet together after a long pandemic break. Many representatives of TSKŻ local branches, members of the Jewish Community in Warsaw, and our Ukrainian guests residing in Śródborowianka attended the event.

The picnic began with hoisting of Polish, Israeli and Ukrainian flags. Then the guests listened to welcome speeches delivered by Artur Hofman, Chairman of TSKŻ and Elżbieta Magenheim, who spoke on behalf of the Jewish Community in Warsaw. Throughout the day the picnic guests (regardless of their age) could enjoy barbecue dishes, ice-cream, candyfloss and take pictures at our photo booth. Moreover, the kids could also have fun at a bouncy castle and a climbing wall, or take part in young chemists’ workshops. The musical setting of the event was provided by Singin’ Birds and Beat Back, the bands which made many of our guests rush to the dance floor. At the end of the event, our guests could also enjoy the performance by Juliusz Ursyn Niemcewicz, a TSKŻ member and an artist connected with the Silesian Opera. The artistic programme of the event was also supplemented by spontaneous performances of our guests such as, for instance, 10-year-old Lara who sang “The Snowball Tree”, a Ukrainian folk song, Ms Tania who sang an emotional song in Hebrew and Nikol who presented us her short violin concert.

Moreover, TSKŻ Secretary, Ms Ewa Prończuk, took her opportunity to donate bicycles, toys and sports equipment to Ukrainian children currently residing in Śródborów.

We kindly invite you to take a look at our short photo report:

All pictures taken during the Picnic (in a downloadable format) can be found here

(photos by: Piotr Woźniakiewicz/Ars Lumen)

Please also feel free to download digital pictures available at Photos from the Booth



This year’s picnic was co-organised by our partner, the Jewish Community in Warsaw

The event was co-financed by the grant of the Ministry of Interior and Administration