September 09, 2024


On September 1, the main celebration of the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II took place. The event was organized by the Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Poland at the Jewish Cemetery at 49/51 Okopowa Street in Warsaw. The event was attended by representatives of Jewish institutions, including, among other, TSKŻ Board Secretary, Ewa Prończuk, TSKŻ President, Artur Hofman, Marian Turski from the Association of Jewish Veterans and Victims of World War II, Katarzyna Person. PhD Hab. from the Warsaw Ghetto Museum, Danuta Gładkowska from the Polish Society of the Righteous Among the Nations, Rabbi Michael Schudrich and Grażyna Majer from the Jewish Religious Community of Warsaw. The solemn laying of flower wreaths at three monuments, namely, the Monument to Soldiers and Officers of the Polish Army Fallen in the Defence of Warsaw in 1939, the Monument to Jewish Soldiers Fallen in the Second World War and the Monument to Jewish Officers of the Polish Army, took place with the honour guard of Polish Army soldiers. At the memorial site, a speech was delivered by TSKZ President, Artur Hofman, whose address honoured the memory of Jewish military men who sacrificed their lives during World War II. The speaker also paid tribute to Polish officers of Jewish origin murdered in Katyn. The prayer for the victims of the war was offered by Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland.

Meanwhile, at 02:00 pm, at the Babel Club, a concert of wartime, insurgent and interwar period music took place. ‘The Wartime Chant’, as the event was called, performed by Aleksandra Idkowska, attracted crowds who, with song books in their hands, enthusiastically joined in the musical party.


On the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War, a wreath-laying and candle-lighting ceremony took place at Szczecin’s Central Cemetery to honour the memory of soldiers who had fallen in defence of their homeland. The event was attended by members of the local branch of the TSKZ, along with its president, Róża Król. Shortly after, at TSKŻ facility located at 1/1 Niemcewicza Street, Anna Bartczak, PhD, University of Szczecin, delivered her lecture titled “The Child and the War. The fate of Jewish children during World War II”.


On September 1, in order to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, a gala concert was held at the Wrocław branch of the TSKZ with the participation of the artists Anna Kopytko (vocals) and Jerzy Owczarz (accompaniment). The concert repertoire included 19th century patriotic songs and musical works by Chopin.


On 1 September, representatives of the Dzierżoniów branch of the TSKŻ laid flowers and lit candles at the monuments to the victims of World War II on the premises of the former Gross-Rosen death camp in Pieszyce. At the special meeting held on the same day at the local domicile of the Association, Anna Gruźlewska, PhD, delivered her lecture:‘The participation of Jews in the defensive war of 1939 and their further destinies”.


On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, the screening of the documentary film Ukos światła directed by Wojciech Szumowski, who also participated the event. The main character is, Dariusz Popiela, a Polish canoeist, who is also involved in the restoration process of a Jewish cemetery in the town of Czarny Dunajec. During the discussion, the director came under fire from questions from the audience, who wanted to learn more about the making of the film.


On 1 September, at the site of the burnt and razed synagogues in Bytom and Katowice, members of the Katowice branch of the TSKŻ, headed by its president Paweł Grabiec, laid wreaths and lit candles. The event was also attended by representatives of the Voivodship Administration, the Consul of the Republic of Armenia, the President of the “Marcholt” Club of Independent Creative Associations, representatives of the Religious Community, the League of Independent Women and residents of Bytom and Katowice. After the laying of flowers at the premises of the TSKŻ club in Katowice, Slawomir Pastuszka, PhD, gave a lecture dealing with the events that occurred on the first day of September 1939. Helena Grzebień and her colleagues took care of the cuisine aspect of the meeting.


On the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, a delegation of the Wałbrzych branch of the TSKZ laid flowers at the Mausoleum Monument on the site of the former Gross-Rosen camp. In turn, on September 4, the local TSKZ club hosted a lecture entitled “Echoes of the War in the Polish and Foreign Press,” given by Renata Paluch. The lecture was listened to by members and supporters of the Society, including Walbrzych Deputy Mayor Zygmunt Nowaczyk.



On Sunday, September 1, ceremonies marking the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II were held at Legnica’s municipal cemetery on Wroclawska Street. The event was attended by the chairwoman of the Legnica branch of the TSKŻ, Anna Lazarek, who, together with her granddaughter, laid a wreath and lit candles in the intention of those who died during the war.



On September 6, at 5:00 pm, an unusual event was planned at the headquarters of the Częstochowa branch of the TSKŻ – a poetry salon entitled “I went into the sea of flames,” prepared on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. The venue presented works by, among others, Abramek Cytryn and Abramek Koplowicz, the youngest victims of wartime atrocities. The poems and prose were interpreted by Katarzyna Linke, developed and directed by Jolanta Stanisz, all accompanied by pianist Kai Stanisz.


On September 7, members of the Krakow branch of the TSKZ took part in an educational walk in the footsteps of the Krakow ghetto, led by Michal Zajda. The event was held as part of the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. The walk was open to the public, which is why it was attended by many interested parties.


The President of Częstochowa branch of the TSKŻ Izabela Sobańska-Klekowska together with the Mayor of Częstochowa Krzysztof Matyjaszczyk would like to invite you all to this year’s celebrations marking the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War. The events will be held on 20 September at 11:00 am, at the Jewish Cemetery in Złota Street, and at 01:00 pm at Samuel Willenberg Square in Częstochowa.


The event has been co-financed by the Ministry of Interior and Administration.