The statement of the Union of Jewish Communities in Poland and the Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Poland concerning the act of anti-Semitism in Cracow
October 21, 2024

Below please find a joint statement made by the Union of Jewish Communities in Poland and the Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Poland in response to the recent events of anti-Semitic nature which have occurred within the premises of the Jagiellonian University of Cracow.

The Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Poland and the Union of Jewish Communities in Poland would like to express their outrage over the event that transpired on 15 October 2024, within the premises of the Jagiellonian University. At a student demonstration, the chanted slogan “Jews to the gas!” could be heard, which was an overt call for genocide, bringing to mind associations with the crime of the Holocaust. As the protest grew, more and more slogans appeared questioning the State of Israel’s right to exist. We are nowadays witnessing an outbreak of hostility directly targeting all Jews.

Following the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel by the terrorist organization Hamas, which resulted in the savage massacre of more than 1,200 people and the abduction of 251 from their homes, acts of anti-Semitism are on the rise, which until now – along the lines of the infamous March ’68 campaign – have been hidden behind a facade of supposed “anti-Zionism.”

Therefore, we speak out unanimously against anti-Semitism in any form. We call for public condemnation of this kind of behaviour.



Klara Kołodziejska-Połtyn                                                                                                 Artur Hofman

President of the Union of Jewish Communities in Poland                                   Chairman of TSKŻ