The meetings with Polish-Jewish youth and the Israeli Ambassador at TSKŻ Club in Szczecin
June 29, 2023

On 22 June 2023, two meetings, namely the one with the Polish-Jewish youth and with the Israeli Ambassador, Mr Yacov Livne, took place at TSKŻ Branch in Szczecin.

– at 1: 00 pm, a group of 50 Polish-Jewish youth representing Nicolaus Copernicus Bilingual High School No. 1 in Kołobrzeg, and Metro West, from Ra’nanna, Israel, visited our Club. The school students were accompanied by their teachers. Ms Róża Król delivered a lecture on the history of the Jewish community of Szczecin and respondent to numerous questions. One of schoolgirls recalled the story of her grandma who left Szczecin in 1957.

-at 3:00 pm, Yacov Livne, the Israeli Ambassador, paid a visit to our premises. Róża Król officially welcomed the ambassador and presented his short biography.

The Ambassador then invited questions from the floor. The majority of questions referred to the issues faced in the process of organisation of Israeli school trips to Poland and educational programmes. Considering the fact that Ambassador Yacov Livne is interested in the history of the old Jewish cemetery in Szczecin, Róża Król handed him a reprint of an article by Professor Janusz Mieczkowski, PhD, entitled “The History of the Jewish Cemetery in Szczecin”. Moreover, our guests was also presented with several books published by TSKŻ Szczecin.

Finally, we would like to cordially thank Professor Radosław Ptaszyński, PhD, for his interpreting support during the meetings.